
SMB & Cybersecurity: Find out which subsidies your business is eligible for!

4 min
May 28, 2024

The importance of cybersecurity in today's environment

Today's landscape is marked by a significant increase in cyber-attacks: more than one company in two is targeted by a cyber-attack!

Cyber risk is now everywhere: if it were a country, it would represent the world's third largest economy. The existence of a real threat is no longer in doubt.

In this context, securing your SMB is so imperative that ANSSI recommends that companies allocate between 5 and 10% of their IT expenditure to cyber security. And the investment is well worth it! Did you know that the average loss is €184k, and that 60% of companies go bankrupt within 6 months of a successful attack?

However, SMBs are still a long way off, and many have made no provision for new budgets this year. Fortunately, did you know that many regions offer grants to support SMBs in improving their cybersecurity?

These grants represent an opportunity not to be missed to update your business and protect it durably against cyber risks.

Here's a detailed guide to the grants available, region by region, for services such as cyber audits, penetration testing, training and awareness-raising, cybersecurity-related investments and much more!

Happy reading!

National Subsidies

The digital component of the France 2030 investment plan is handled by BPI, which currently offers 2 specific subsidies

1. Mission de Conseil Cybersécurité (Cybersecurity Consulting Mission)

This scheme enables SMBs with sales of at least €5 million, 3 years of existence and at least 10 employees to take stock of their cyber situation. The cost to the company is €9,000 plus VAT.

For more information, click here

2.The Cyber SMB plan

Aimed at SMBs with fewer than 2,000 employees, this security program consists of two subsidy components.

Firstly, the Cybersecurity Diagnostic aims to establish an initial inventory of a company's digital situation and its exposure to various cyber risks. Subsidized up to 50%, it represents a remaining cost for the company of €4,400 excluding VAT.

The Cybersecurity Diagnostic is then supplemented by a grant ranging from €30,000 to €80,000 to finance up to 70% of the expenses linked to the security plan drawn up during the diagnostic.

For more information, click here

Regional Aids


The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpe region has developed two offers dedicated to SMBs.

  • The Diag Cyber: Aimed at companies in the Lyon metropolitan area, this grant covers 100% of the cost of strengthening your company's protection against cyber attacks.
  • The “Industrie du Futur” project, which finances up to 50% of the cost of consulting services in various areas such as data management, cloud or cybersecurity, with a maximum grant of €16,000.


The Brittany region offers a number of grants for local SMBs:

  • The Pass Transition which aims to support the various transitions of Breton companies. Aimed at SMBs with fewer than 50 employees and sales of less than €10M, the Pass Transition subsidizes 50% of eligible expenses in 3 areas: consulting, investment and human resources.
  • The Pass Commerce et Artisanat supports investment and digitization projects, particularly in the field of cybersecurity, up to a limit of €7,500 in aid.
  • The Prêt Flash TPE Bretagne. Worth a total of €10,000, this loan supports the development of very small businesses in a number of areas, such as upgrading and digitization.
  • Fonds Breizh Rebond. With the main aim of supporting the development of SMBs, the Fonds Breizh Rebond supports SMEs in all sectors through debt or equity investments ranging from €1 to €6 million. It offers a wide range of eligible operations, from digital transformation projects to technical investments.

Centre-Val de Loire

The region is offering CAP'TN to support companies with up to 500 employees in their modernization efforts in forward-looking technological segments such as data security.

It has two components:

  • a consulting component, which provides a 50% subsidy up to a maximum of €200,000 for expenditure linked to digital transformation and aimed at preventing cyber risk.
  • an investment component, which subsidizes up to 30% of expenditure linked to digital investments motivated by the consulting component, up to a limit of €200,000.


Corsica has set up two general investment schemes for SMBs with fewer than 250 employees. These aid programs can be applied to investments in the digital field, notably in the acquisition of devices to combat cybercrime and secure data:

  • The Sviluppu Suciale et Sulidarita scheme, an aid program of up to 30% of eligible expenditure, up to a limit of €100,000.
  • Impresa Si, a subsidy program that can cover up to 50% of your cyber expenses.

Grand Est

The Grand Est region offers 4 types of assistance:

  • L'accompagnement Grand Est Transformation Digitale is a three-stage program that includes a free digital maturity diagnosis, followed by financial support to implement the recommendations made. Your company's expenses for the acquisition of digital solutions will be fully covered, up to a maximum of €6,000.
  • The cybersecurity diagnosis. Aimed at companies with fewer than 5,000 employees, this diagnosis enables companies to assess their cyber risk situation and draw up an action plan. It is subsidized at 50% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of €5,000.
  • The coup de pousse numérique is aimed at small businesses in the Eurométropole de Strasbourg located in a Priority Urban Neighborhood (QPV), and provides financial assistance of up to €3,000 for various digital operations.
  • Beecome is a subsidy for companies with fewer than 50 employees located in the Strasbourg Eurometropole. Capped at €1,500, this grant can represent up to 50% of your company's expenditure to support its digital transition. There are a number of eligible operations, including those designed to protect your business on a day-to-day basis.


Guadeloupe supports its SMBs in developing their digital competitiveness via the chèque TIC. The region offers Guadeloupean companies subsidies of up to 80%, up to a maximum of €10,000, for projects designed to boost the region's competitiveness, whether in the field of digital transition or cybersecurity.


The Haut-de-France region offers 4 types of assistance for its SMBs:

  • The Pass Cyber Formation. Covering 50% of the cost, this pass enables SMBs to train their employees in cyber issues. The training is provided by the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and covers a range of topics such as implementing best practices to guard against cyber attacks.
  • The Pass Cyber Conseil enables your company to benefit from a complete IT security audit carried out by a certified service provider. Each service is 50% covered by the region, up to a maximum of €10,000 per service.
  • The Pass Cyber Investissement is designed to help your company implement cyber intelligence solutions to ensure its cyber security. This subsidy can represent up to 30% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of €4,500.
  • The “Aide à la Digitalisation” subsidy is specifically designed to help very small businesses with their digital transformation. With a maximum grant of €50,000, this subsidy can cover up to 40% of the costs incurred by SMBs in equipping themselves with digital solutions.


The region has set up three subsidy programs to support SMBs in securing their digital infrastructures:


Covered at 50% by the region, the Pass Transformation Numérique is designed to support SMBs in deploying digital solutions. A range of operations are eligible, including the implementation of an ERP or training employees in digital issues.


The Impulsion Transition program aims to support SMB development in the strategic dimensions of e-business. It subsidizes up to 50% of your SMB's cybersecurity-related expenditure.


The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region has a number of offers for companies located in the region:

Pays de la Loire

VSBs and SMBs in the Pays de la Loire region are eligible for 4 types of assistance:

  • Pays de la Loire Conseil. Under this scheme, up to 30% of the cost of studies in fields such as digital transition and cybersecurity will be covered, up to a maximum of €15,000.
  • The Pays de la Loire Diagnostic scheme covers up to 30% of the cost, up to a maximum of €1,320, of cybersecurity services enabling SMBs to take stock of their information systems' level of security in order to better target potential risks.
  • The Pays de la Loire Investissement numérique scheme supports SMBs with fewer than 50 employees in the acquisition of digital tools. Up to a maximum of €15,000, this assistance can represent up to 30% of expenditure.
  • The ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) also plans to support SMBs in the Pays de la Loire in their digital transition. With a maximum grant of €500,000, it can cover up to 70% of cybersecurity-related expenditure.

Reunion Island

The Kap Numérik is a scheme designed to support the digital projects of structures in Reunion Island. It covers between 50% and 80% of expenses - depending on the size of the structure - up to a maximum of €3,200. Various operations can be carried out, in particular those linked to securing information systems, such as security audits or intrusion tests.


As you can see, many funding opportunities exist to support your SMB in its cybersecurity approach.

By taking advantage of these grants, you can not only protect your business against cyber threats, but also improve your competitiveness in the marketplace.

Don't wait any longer to secure your infrastructure and train your staff in the challenges of cybersecurity!

Contact us for a free cybersecurity audit and find out how we can secure your SMB

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Phishing risk

Security of your email accounts


Data leaks

Compromised data on the internet


Web vulnerabilities

Risks associated with websites and web applications


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