
Ile-de-France and Cybersecurity: Discover the region's Cyber Vouchers to support SMEs

5 min
June 21, 2024

Who is affected by cyber risk?

With 1 in 2 businesses targeted by a cyber attack in 2023, it's no longer a question of "if" your business will be affected, but rather of "when" it will happen.

So, to protect yourself from a cyber-attack, it's essential to secure your SME for the long term.

In this article, you'll discover why it's necessary to protect yourself against cyber threats, and how you can do so with the help of the Ile-de-France region: the Cyber Diagnosis check and the Cyber Investment check.

Protecting your SME means guarding against omnipresent cyber risks

Following a cyberattack, three cyber risks threaten your company:

  • the paralysis of your business has damaging consequences for your activity: delays, additional costs, lower productivity, etc.
  • the impact of a cyberattack on your company's reputation should not be underestimated.
  • the financial losses generated by a cyberattack should not be underestimated: did you know? The average loss is €184k, and 60% of companies go bankrupt within 6 months of a successful attack.

So, to actively protect yourself against these cyber risks, you need to be equipped with an effective cybersecurity solution.

How to protect your SME?

Bastion helps you

Bastion can help you upgrade your cybersecurity and build a defense in depth against cyber threats.

We offer to assess your cyber posture via an organizational and technical audit.

Our audit assesses your cyber situation along 4 lines of analysis:

  • Organizational & internal risk: Identify assets at risk, and the security and governance measures in place to control these risks (e.g. data management, workstations, etc.).
  • External surface: Identify configuration issues or vulnerabilities on your company's external surface.
  • SaaS park: Evaluate the security measures and configuration of your company's Google or Microsoft environment, particularly with regard to identity, e-mail and document management, and more broadly to user access to the SaaS application park used by your company.
  • Human risk: Evaluate the cyber maturity level of your company's teams via a phishing attack simulation and a cyber assessment questionnaire.

Based on these 4 areas of analysis, we then propose recommendations and an action plan to increase your overall security level.

Last but not least, this audit is subsidized by the Ile-de-France region!

Regional assistance

With more than 54% of cybersecurity players located in its territory, the Ile-de-France region has developed two grants for SMEs to help them audit their IT systems and equip themselves with sustainable solutions:

  • Cyber Diagnosis voucher
  • Cyber Investment Cheque

The aim of this scheme is to support all SMEs in the Paris Region in upgrading their cybersecurity, from initial diagnosis to the implementation of a robust action plan.

Cyber Diagnosis voucher

Intended to finance the carrying out of diagnostics and the development of action plans, the Chèque Diagnostic Cyber subsidizes cyber audits up to 80%, for a total amount of up to €5,000.

Who is eligible?

Here are the criteria to be eligible for the Cyber Diagnostic voucher:

  • Be an SME (or an association with an economic activity) with 10 to 249 employees.
  • ... Whose sales do not exceed 50 M€ or whose balance sheet total does not exceed 43 M€.
  • ... Whose head office or place of business is located in the Paris region.
  • ... Registered for at least 6 months in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) or the Trade Register (RM).

Amount of assistance

The Cyber investment voucher consists of a grant of up to €5,000, i.e. an outstanding balance of between €800 and €1,250 for your company:

Excl. VAT on eligible expenditure - Amount of subsidy

From 4,000 - €3,200€

From 5,000 - €4,000€

From 6.250 - €5.000€

For more information on the Cyber Diagnostic check, click here

Cyber Investment Cheque

Aimed at financing investment expenditure, the Cyber Investment Cheque subsidizes 50% of cyber expenditure up to €10,000. However, it is conditional on the completion of a diagnosis certified by a recognized player (VSEs are exempt from this diagnosis).

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the Cyber Diagnostic voucher, you must

  • VSEs with 1 to 10 employees OR fewer than 250 employees
  • ... Whose sales do not exceed 50 M€ or whose balance sheet total does not exceed 43 M€.
  • ... Whose head office or place of business is located in the Paris region.
  • ... Registered for at least 6 months in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) or the Trade Register (RM).

Which projects can be subsidized?

Here is a non-exhaustive list of operations that the Cyber investment voucher can finance:

  • Network protection measures: antivirus, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, etc,
  • RGPD and RGS compliance measures,
  • Website and application protection solutions,
  • Cyber intelligence solutions,
  • Vulnerability scanners,
  • Technological developments in the IT environment, software and system upgrades,
  • Hardware investments: cameras, protection equipment,
  • Protection of IS technical administration.

For more information on the Cyber Investment Voucher, click here


The urgency of the cyber threat has led the Ile-de-France region to take up this challenge and develop two aid schemes to support its SMEs in building a defense without weak links in the face of cyber threats.

I would like to carry out a cyber audit with Bastion

However, if your VSE or SME is not located in the Paris Region, we invite you to read our overview of regional and national subsidies for which your company is eligible to upgrade its cybersecurity.

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Security Score

Your risk level is critical


Phishing risk

Security of your email accounts


Data leaks

Compromised data on the internet


Web vulnerabilities

Risks associated with websites and web applications


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